2 Courses has been assigned to me, this semester.

For the course schedules please visit


1-MAK  608 E Modeling of Turbulence. (PhD course but MSc students can also register.)

This course covers understanding the physics of turbulence and all transport phenomena, not only the modeling. The attendee profile will be effective on determining  the special topics to be focused during the course. Machine Learning and Phython kowledge will be useful for the homeworks but if these are not present at the moment, this course can be considered an opprortunity to begin.

2- MAK 4067 Renewable Energy Systems (BSc course for senior year students)

In this course not only renewable energy but all energy problems will be discussed focusing on the engineering and physics. Hydrogen, electric vehicles, photovoltaics will be  widely negotiated on Life Cycle Analysis basis. Having some basic system analysis programming skill is useful but if you do not have these skills, this course is a good opportunity to learn.
